Thursday, January 7, 2010

Scout's Honour

Okay, so I'm no scout (Eyuck! I kid! I kid!) but this year I vow to....

  1. take my baby DSLR around more frequently and snap snap snap away (anybody got extra Nikon D60 charger for me? I stupidly left it in Australia %%!^$%&. And I don't know why Blogger is hyperlinking my "profanities")'

  2. to work towards my dream bit by bit, day by day.

  3. to start illustrating again. I've been idle FAR too long.

  4. be a more genuinely caring person to those around me. Serious lah.

  5. to love more. God, family, boyfriend, friends.

Hooza! Here's to the new year! (Yes, I am aware that I am a week late)

Random: I feel like a getting a pet goldfish to call my own when I get back to Australia (I have like..20 at home in Malaysia, but noo..I just want one in MELBOURNE. I'm lonely) Just like this one with the cute beehind!

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